Mike Magnuson
Writer, editor, writing coach, writing teacher.
Mike has written for Bicycling, Esquire, GQ, Popular Mechanics, The Big Smoke, Salon, and many other publications, and his books include The Right Man for the Job, The Fire Gospels, Lummox, Heft on Wheels, and Bike Tribes. He has been teaching and editing for twenty-five years, with many of his students and clients going on to successful publishing and teaching careers. You can hear him on The ACME Writing Academy Podcast, which has been called "the morning drive radio version of creative writing advice podcasts." Check out the latest episode here. If you're interested in earning a graduate degree in creative writing, you can study with Mike - and a host of great writers and teachers - at Pacific University MFA. If you have a writing project that needs some help making it over the top, you can work with Mike privately. He is currently accepting editing and coaching clients, and he will be happy to discuss your writing project with you and do his best to be of assistance. For inquiries about Mike's editing and coaching services - or for anything else you want to ask him - feel free to email themikemagnuson@gmail.com.